Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Observation Journal #4

I have beun to notice that a lot of men still have issues with male dominance over women, even in this day and age. I hear jokes about women belonging in the kitchen and things like that, and usually i laugh these off because i know that they are jokes and i dont take people who say things like that seriously, because i thought they were kidding. However, recently it seems that sometimes people may day they are kidding, but they sound like they mean it.

For example, last semester i was at a party on st, patricks day, and some guy came up to me and commented on how big my boobs were. I was pretty offended that someone would come out and day something so personal and rude, and he went on to offend me even more. He began saying that i went to champlain because i was an idiot, and he knew i was an idiot because i have a large chest. I was furious. Not only is what he said untrue, i considered it sexual harasment. I was so mad that I left the party and didnt return.

The whole situtation made me realize that men still discriminate women, maybe not as much as they may have 50 years ago, but it still occurs just the same. This situation shows that we, as a cultute, have still maintained a state of inequality. Obviously something needs to be done, preferably in the media where women are portrayed as sex objects. Shows like "Girls Next Door" only reinforce these stereotypes and make women look bad. You would think that in the 21st century we would be more progressive than we are.


Unknown said...
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Jessie Tessier said...

I agree with you. It may seem as though women have made leaps and bounds from where they stood about a century ago, but there are still major improvements that need to be made. I hear sexist remarks made from my family members, friends, and even coworkers. I guess it is good we can joke about some things, but sometimes it is a very sensitive topic. We need to be more careful about that. I am sorry what happened to you at that party, that was totally uncalled for. How could he even say such a thing? Weren't there other girls there that were offended? Hopefully you weren't the only one hurt by this that night. I hope more then you walked out.

Michele Kiefer said...

I find myself feeling this way a lot of times as well. The obsession our society has for women to be stick thin, and wear pounds of makeup is upheld by many different things. You make a good point noting media as one of the factors. This certainly has an affect. When men see women acting like mindless barbie dolls on television everyday they assume we are the same way. I'm glad you walked out, no one should have to put up with that type of treatment.

Kristin Bourdeau said...

I totally agree with you. I've always picked up on the little comments about women people say here and there but I always just laughed it off. But the older I become the more offended I am by it. Being told I'm not a good driver because I am female, or that I belong in the kitchen, and all I'm good for is cooking and sex just isn't funny anymore, because the men that say things like this are 100 percent serious. I even commented in my class about media and video games and how they set a negative image for girls these days. It's unfair the way we're treated.. and good for you for leaving, thats just uncalled for.